What's it like?

Warm and friendly.

Greeters will welcome you as you arrive and gladly show you around and answer any questions you have. 

Our order of worship is simple and easy to follow. Like churches everywhere, there will be a time of singing, praying, bible reading, and a time of learning together as we listen to a message based on the passage read. Our services are guided by leaders who are accompanied by a team of musicians. You will easily follow what's happening, even if you are new to church. 

What about my kids?

Kids of all ages are welcome!

God put the wiggle in them - don't feel you have to suppress it. (we don't)

If feel you have to leave the service, there are some rooms upstairs with toys and puzzles for them. You can listen to the service from there as well, so you don't miss out too. Talk to an usher for more info.

Where do I park?

There is ample parking all around our church premises. You can enter through the front or back double doors.

What do I wear?

Whatever makes you feel relaxed and comfortable. We are a pretty relaxed and informal bunch. God is more interested in your heart than in your appearance.

How can I get connected?

We have options!

  • Talk to our staff or volunteers for more info
  • Go to our homepage to subscribe to our weekly newsletter.
  • Follow us on Facebook, Instagram & YouTube.
  • Join a small group or ministry team.

Updated Oct. 08, 2024.