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The apostle Paul writes, “we stick to the limits of what God has set for us” or to the service God himself has assigned to us.” (2 Cor 10:13 MSG/NIV) Paul is both humbly recognizing how God has gifted and not gifted him as well as where God has called him and not called him. What an example set by such a powerful faith leader!  

How many times do we say yes to good opportunities in our life at the expense of our health, relationships, or accomplishment of the work God has specifically called us to? Or if we don’t say yes to them, we feel guilty about it. In a “do-more” culture, we can easily become a “do-more” people, but is that really what God has planned for us?  

We would like to use this season of Lent as a time to intentionally pause and remember our limitations. We don’t do this to feel powerless, to give up, or to feel bad about ourselves. We do this to remember the One who calls us and gives us life – who made us by breathing life into dust. Our team of worship leaders will be exploring some of the implications of remembering “we are dust.” They will be encouraging us with words and songs to practice listening to God’s calling, confessing where we sometimes lose our way, & celebrating the freedom and victory we are given in the life, death, and resurrection of Christ.